Monday, June 30, 2008

Sweet Words

My Dan Dan is an amazingly sweet little boy. He loves to lay in my lap and love on me and let me hug him. He even lets me hold him close and snuggle him like a baby. This is great because my 'baby' is in the "I can walk now, so don't even think about holding me like a baby" stage.

This morning Danny wanted a shirt on so we venture into my closet to grab him an outfit. We are perched on my bed together and I get him all dressed. He tackles me and I wrestle him into my lap where he lays down. We snuggle and talk for a few minutes. Then he sweetly puts his hand on his heart and moves him head in this way that suggests what is about to say is very important and sincere. He smiles at me and says "Mom" -dramatic pause- "This my shirt."

Uh Huh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bobbi you do have the sweeetest boys and they have the greatest mom!