What an adventure we had today! Danny disappeared for a moment, and I found him perched on the swing in the front yard. He requested that I join him, so I did. Suddenly, we were off to outer space! Swinging, I mean flying high above the earth until we landed on the moon. DanDan gave me a space helmet and space suit and we left the safety of our ship to explore the moon. Almost instantly we found a moon rover! It was bright red, with 4 wheels and 4X4 on the side. Sadly, there was room for only one. Danny jumped into the driver seat and we were off! The pic to the left is of Aven in the moon rover. We found a black and white Moon Cat (below and right) and we chased it in our mommy powered moon rover all over the moon! We al
so ran into a Moon Randon and it chased us! It was discovered none to soon that the Moon Randon was a friendly creature and did not wish to harm or capture us. About that time the mommy powered moon rover ran out of gas, and we all three headed back to our swing, I mean ship. The Moon Randon came back with us on our rocket ship. After a safe landing back on earth we took off the cumbersome spacesuits and relaxed. We must now head to bed, as we are jet lagged!

what a great mommy of boys you are! I let the boys have a mud fight a few weeks ago after the rain. It was so liberating :)
Hey I need a trip to the moon, next time swing on by and pick me up!!!!!!! I am so glad that our number threes have such a great imagination. Dawn
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